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© Silver Street Baptist Mission.

May 2017









ASIDE FROM the regular events, Silver Street Mission also conducts ministries by request. Here are some guidelines…

Would Prayer or a pastoral visit help you? Please contact the Pastor or Secretary in the first place. See Contacts page.

Are you a Christian believer ready to take the next step? Ask the Pastor or Secretary for more information. We baptise believers by full immersion, and it is Christian baptism, not Baptist baptism, so baptism in our premises doesn’t make you a Baptist!

The Lord’s Supper is for all who trust Jesus as Lord and Saviour and are in fellowship with his people. It is an opportunity, among other things, to remember all that God has done for us through the Lord Jesus Christ, his Son, and to declare unity in Christ with our brothers and sisters.

For doctrinal or personal reasons some people prefer to prayerfully attend a communion service without taking the bread or cup and we understand that, of course.

Contemplating marriage? Had a baby lately? Have you just lost someone you cared for? Contact the pastor to discuss Marriage or Funeral services and thanksgiving services for your child. Baptists do not baptise babies or others who are unable to profess faith, but gladly help a family celebrate God’s gift of a child. Funerals and weddings are conducted within Christian/Baptist traditions: feel free to discuss your needs with the Pastor.

Are you considering becoming a Church Member? All who trust in Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour, and are baptised on profession of faith are eligible. Written applications are considered by the members, so, of course, they need to know you.

If you are transferring from another Baptist church or another church with similar beliefs and practices, a letter of commendation from that church would be helpful.

If you are not in membership elsewhere, get to know us, and let us get to know you; then drop a note to the Secretary. (See Contacts page).